Autism, Mental Health, and the Law: Social Work Practice in Forensic Settings
Morris, R. (2025). In K.P. Stoddart & A.F. Schormans (Eds.), Social Work Practice in Autism and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Morris, R. (2025). Autism, Mental Health, and the Law: Social Work Practice in Forensic Settings (Chapter 13). In K.P. Stoddart & A.F. Schormans (Eds.), Social Work Practice in Autism and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
Peer Feedback for Teaching Communication Skills: Student’s Experiences in a BSW Interviewing Skills Course.
Kelly, A. & Morris, R. (2024). Journal of Teaching in Social Work.
Allison, K. & Morris, R. (2024). Peer feedback for teaching communication skills: Student’s experiences in a BSW interviewing skills course. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 44(5), 568-577.
Employment Practices as Experienced by Persons with Intellectual Disability, Employers, and Employment Specialists Across Canada.
Morris, R., Christiansen-Barker, J., Stainton, T., Mills, R., Schroeder, M., Cox, J., Rowley, C., & Hole, R. (2024). Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation.
Morris, R., Christiansen-Barker, J., Stainton, T., Mills, R., Schroeder, M., Cox, J., Rowley, C., & Hole, R. (2024). Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 61(1), 55-66.
The Impacts of Microboards on Social and Community Inclusion of Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: “To not just exist, but to truly live”.
Morris, R., Stainton, T., Borja, C., & Hole, R. (2024). Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
Morris, R., Stainton, T., Borja, C., & Hole, R. (2024). Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.